Technical Department
We are aware that rehabilitation processes begin with a good diagnosis of the pathology, as accurate as possible. We, at Pinturas Mesa, begin with analyzing the pathologies of each building after a visit and revision by our technicians.
Our company counts with an architect and a technical architect on site, to deal with all the projects entrusted to us.
After an exhaustive study of pathologies, our technical team will propose solutions considering all aspects of each specific project.
Pinturas Mesa offers its clients the resolution of all building permits, licenses, projects, budgets, studies in writing, health and safety as well as anything required in a professional rehabilitation.
We also count with human and material resources to carry out any type of façade rehabilitation and to carry out any kind of repairs efficiently and always with the seriousness, speed and professionalism that we have gained over the years.
Avda Torres Murciano 8 Local 8-C